Woolfest Background - The History

Some background on how it all began: the late Carolyn Rawlinson was a member of The Wool Clip cooperative who had enjoyed sheep and wool festivals in the USA, particularly in Maryland.

According to her recollections: "I had dreamt for years of creating a really big show celebrating wool, spinning, dyeing, knitting and all things associated with this wonderful part of the textile world. I suggested the idea at a Wool Clip meeting, and to my surprise (and shock) everyone decided to take it on."

Carolyn died in 2007, but The Wool Clip continued to offer the Carolyn Rawlinson Memorial Stall in her memory up to and including Woolfest Online 2020.

Woolfest has grown and changed over the years, but it is still very much about celebrating every stage of natural fibres, from fleece and livestock to yarn and finished crafts.